December 18

Ladies and Gentlemen, Seven Cup Golf Tour 2023 Supporters,

Again this year, we have handed over a virtual check with the amazing amount of CZK 170.000. It was handed over before the Christmas holidays, and again it really, really made us very happy. I have a lovely duty on behalf of Danielka’s Mum to sincerely thank everyone who participated in the collection. Both Danielka and her Mum were very happy. I saw Danielka for the first time. Like all of you, I only knew her story and a few photos (WE HELP). When I read again about all the sorrows and sufferings she had to go through before the visit, it was almost “miraculous” to see the young girl who has already started walking again and is just using the wheelchair when it is really needed. She even started going to school, where her classmates are great and cool…:-), simply a young lady on whom could not be seen the impact of the many chemotherapy treatments and hundreds of injections she had to undergo. She is truly a great fighter and will continue to fight as the treatment must continue. It was a wonderful pre-Christmas visit that was full of smiles and immediate children’s laughter. Therefore, please allow me once again to thank everyone who contributed a monetary amount, of course the partners and of course all the players who participated in our tournaments and who enjoyed golf and helped. As always, I must also thank Karel Rataj and his wife Kamilka, whom you all already know, who have contributed not only to the smooth and comfortable running of each tournament, but they also help and support not only Danielka. Thanks….Thanks to all of you….!!!!

Enjoy a lovely and relaxing Christmas, good health in the coming year and I look forward to seeing  you next year at the seventh birthday Seven Cup Golf Tour 2024.

For the Seven Cup Golf Tour
Lubomír Petržela

October 25

Ladies and Gentlemen, Seven Cup Golf Tour 2023 Supporters,

We traditionally ended the sixth year of our/your Seven Cup Golf Tour 2023 at the Ground Resort Golf&Ski in Mladé Buky. First of all, let me once again sincerely thank Mr. Jan Grund for the excellent conditions under which we could once again spend three wonderful, relaxing days, and for the fifth time. I also have to thank you for the beautiful main prizes he donated for our Tour. Thank you once again! It is wonderful to return to a beautiful hotel with a wonderful golf course, but above all to look forward not only to great gastronomy, but to the already familiar, smiling, professional faces of people who take perfect care of us throughout our stay. So what happened in Mladé Buky? Just like last year, the weather was “kind” to us – Friday’s game was again for hardened golfers, it was drizzling, but constantly and combined with cold wind which is not a good combination, but it didn’t spoil the wonderful mood of the players themselves not even of their accompaniment. Subsequent rest and eventual relaxation in the hotel amazing wellness was almost a must. After eating really delicious meals in the hotel restaurant, the first part of the entire weekend’s program followed, namely the announcement of the match play. Just like last year, two competitive “spiders” were played and six positions were announced.  

In spider B, Jiří Gurecký was in the third place, Irena Sekavová was in the second place, and Honza Dajč was the winner. In the main spider, Pavel Tůma took the third place, Jakub Pech was the second, and Petra Studecká became the winner/champion for 2023. Congratulations to all!! I also have to thank the winner for the beautiful gesture when, in addition to the travelling cup and the commemorative trophy, which rightfully belongs to her for this year, she donated all other prizes to Saturday’s raffle. Petra, thanks! After the announcement, the winners were congratulated and the celebration traditionally lasted until late at night. Not only the winners, but also the late finishers of Friday’s celebration were on time at the start on Saturday and the tournament could begin. This time the mountain climate favoured us and almost ideal golf weather prevailed. At the start, as always at every tournament of our Tour, a drop of something was prepared for encouragement and many players were happy to use this “help”.  Once again, a lot of laughter, applause, but also nostalgia could be heard and felt across the entire field, and this added to the really relaxed and fun atmosphere of the entire tournament. After its end, a well-deserved rest followed before the evening announcement of the tournament itself, but mainly before the ceremonial announcement of the winners of the entire Tour. Before I present the best ones, I will again allow myself to sum up this unofficial (sixth at Grund Resort) end of the Tour in three words this time – you are great!!!! It was once again a wonderful weekend full of golf, fun, celebrations, camaraderie, friendship, emotions and certainly a lot of solidarity.

Saturday tournament winners:
Category stb 0-25 Daniel Sochor
Category brutto 0-25 Lukáš Průša
Category stb 25,1-54 Láďa Licek
Category brutto 25,1-54 Láďa Licek

Congratulations to the winners!  The complete results of the tournament can also be found on the ČGF server.

Next, allow me to introduce and once again sincerely congratulate the winners of all announced competitions for this year and of course the overall winners of the entire Tour.

For 2023 the winners are:

In the match play

Spider A
1st place Petra Studecká
2nd place Jakub Pech
3rd place Pavel Tůma

Spider B
1st place Jan Dajč
2nd place Irena Sekavová
3rd place Jiří Gurecký

Best of 54 holes

The winner –  Pavlína Sochorová

Seven Cup Golf Tour 2023

1st place Daniel Sochor 180p.
2nd place Daniel Monaco 179p.
3rd place Pavlína Sochorová 170,5p.
4th place Miloslav Sochor 168p.
5th place Láďa Licek 167,5p.

Complete results can be found here: Match Play and Overall Results.

After the presentation of the prizes and a big round of applause not only for Dan, who managed “double” (to win two years in a row), but also for all the other winners and losers, and there was a popular charity raffle, where all participants could win valuable prizes from partners, but also from many players who donated valuable prizes themselves – and we thank you very much for that, but above all, thanks to the purchase of tickets, when you can support a good cause that always runs in parallel to our Tour. After that, a check was presented with the record charitable proceeds worth CZK 170,000!!!!! Thanks (in addition to the collection from all tournaments and the raffle) both to partners, but also to some players who made financial donations on the spot, to whom we owe a big THANK. I thank the company Miltech, namely Lukáš Průša and Tomáš Procházka, Dušan Marek and Danča Marková, Tomáš Andrejsek and Markéta Andrejsková,as well as Vláďa Soukup and Danča Čermáková. Once again, many thanks to all mentioned! Last but not least, thanks to all the others who participated in the weekend, because each of you had fun, played and helped!!!

Friends, mates, a really big thank you to all of you!!! I look forward to seeing you next year as the 7 Cup Golf Tour celebrates its 7th birthday and you cannot miss it.

For the Seven Cup Golf Tour
Lubomír Petržela

August 27 – 6th tournament has been played

Dear friends, fans of the Seven Cup Golf Tour,

After a one-year break and thanks to a change of operator, we visited Terasy in Ústí nad Labem again. Except for the course, which has the same character and is being improved, we noticed two very pleasant changes, namely a beautiful new terrace with a view of the local lake and the green of the ninth hole, landscaping around the clubhouse, but above all an excellent kitchen, which was really missing here. Even though the morning cloudy sky and forecast that was not supposed to offer ideal golf weather which did not quite come true and despite the drizzling that lasted until the middle of the tournament, 60 players arrived. Thanks to the good mood and, of course, the very nice course, many players improved their handicaps here. The really great mood was emphasized by the embedded competition, where players contributed to a good cause by buying golf balls with the Tour logo. The regular participant and matador of our Tour, Míla Sochor, once again took the competition on and it was again a very interesting competition, during which a great amount of 6,6000 CZK was collected, which will go to little Danielka this year. We congratulate the winners and thank everyone who came, played, had fun and helped again. Thank you…and we look forward to seeing you at the final, which we will play on September 16 on the course in Beřovice. You are cordially invited!

August 9 – 5th tournament has been played

Dear friends, fans of the Seven Cup Golf Tour,

The first eighteen-hole tournament within the entire Tour has been played, and besides ideal golf weather, a great course, a healthy competitive, relaxed and friendly atmosphere, I have to use the great word again – record. Record participation of 86 players, record results and, last but not least, record sales of balls with the tour logo for the post-tournament charity competition, which amounted to 9,250 crowns!!! Dear players, you are amazing and I thank everyone who participated in the tournament and contributed to a good cause! Of course, we must not forget to congratulate all the winners and we look forward to seeing everyone at the next tournament, which takes place on Sunday, August 27, at the Terasy golf course. In case of high participation, it will start from hole 1 and from hole 10. You are cordially invited…

June 26 – 4th tournament has been played

Dear friends and fans of the Seven Cup Golf Tour,

As every year, the Bitozeves nine-hole course was a challenge for the players, but also, traditionally, a place where almost fifty players enjoyed the wonderful summer weather, competitive golf, but above all, a relaxed, friendly atmosphere. The really great atmosphere was emphasized by the embedded competition, where players contribute to a good cause by buying golf balls with the Tour logo. An unconventional chip competition was prepared by our matador and regular participant Míla Sochor, during which he once again entertained the entire audience and thus emphasized not only the competitiveness of all players, but a really wonderful day where everyone played golf, had fun and helped. We congratulate the winners and thank all the participants of the tournament and the embedded competition. We will add the collected CZK 5.570 to the collection for Danielka and we cordially invite everyone to the next tournament, which takes place on Satrurday, July 22, at the golf course Svatý Jan in Slapy. We will start the first eighteen-hole tournament as part of the entire Tour at 8.30 a.m. with a gradual start from hole No. 1. See you at Slapy…

June 12 – 3rd tournament has been played

Dear friends, fans of the Seven Cup Golf Tour,

I really can’t describe the tournament played in Hodkovičky as anything other than great. Beautiful weather, friendly and relaxed mood, simply wonderful atmosphere. In addition, a wonderful amount of CZK 5,750, collected during our traditional competitions for the sale of our logo balls, and the amount will be added to the collection for little Danielka. We congratulate the winners and thank all the players for their participation and we look forward to seeing you at the last nine-hole tournament, on Saturday, June 24, on the golf course in Bitozeves. Thanks…

May 25 – 2nd tournament has been played

Dear friends and supporters of the Seven Cup Golf Tour,

The second tournament as part of the sixth year of our/your Seven Cup Golf Tour 2023 was played in really wonderful, warm maybe even tropical weather. How to briefly describe the Terezín tournament?  In addition to the traditionally great atmosphere throughout the entire tournament, I would like to add another word “record” – a record participation of seventy players playing in a nine-hole tournament. I really do not know if there has been a tour where such a large number of players would participate. Next, equalling the record of balls sold for the post-tournament charity competition, where again 6,800 crowns were collected, which this year we will add to the collection for little Danielka. Therefore, of course, we congratulate all the winners, but above all, I sincerely want to thank everyone who, by participating, once again confirmed that our Tour is great. YOU are great and I hope you will continue to be a part of this Tour and not only play competitive golf, but have fun playing golf and help out at the same time. Thanks again to everyone and we look forward to the next tournament on Saturday, June 10, on the Prague golf course in Hodkovičky.  

Match play 2023

Dear friends and supporters of the Seven Cup Golf Tour,

The fourth year of the Seven Cup Match Play is ready! The format of placing to the main spider remains the same as last year. Players are placed into the main game spider (A) according to the current hcp – from the lowest to the highest.  Players who fail the first round can fight again in the second spider (B). And what can you look forward to this year?  Certainly to even more attractive and valuable prizes from our partners, but mainly to the amazing, original, glass travel cups that have been specially made for this game format.  In addition to the winner from the main spider, who we will call the master, we reward the top three players from each playing spider, so there is really something to play for. The match play is intended for those of you who participated in at least two of our tournaments last year. Therefore, do not hesitate to apply, because in addition to competitive golf, you will meet other relaxed players who regularly participate in our Tour. You can see some brief information below and more information can be found on our SEVEN CUP GOLF TOUR website under  the section Match Play 2023 > Rules, information.

  • It is played according to the  rules of golf for a match play and the local rules of the course
  • The game is always played on 18 holes on any standardized course around the world as agreed by the players
  • No equalization and no gender difference
  • Men from yellow tees, women from red tees
  • Individual  rounds will have exact and set playing dates (spider A, B)
  •  According to the number of participants, a competition spider will be compiled according to your current hcp. It will then be placed on our website, including more detailed rules.

Please send applications no later than May 7 (Sunday) with your full name, email address, or phone contact  and current hcp to PLEASE email only (NOT sms, whatsapp…etc.)

I believe that you will enjoy this year´s fourth match play in a row as part of our Seven Cup Golf Tour and you will again have many interesting matches.

For the Seven Cup Golf Tour

Lubomír Petržela

April 25 – 1st tournament has been played

Dear friends, supporters of the Seven Cup Golf Tour,

I am sure you will agree that the record attendance at the first nine-hole tournament and the truly wonderful , sunny summer weather once again confirmed the fantastic, friendly and relaxed atmosphere that our/your Seven Cup Golf Tour can be proud of.  Once again, I want to thank all partners, both regular and new ones, who once again confirmed with their participation that our Tour is great. Of course, we congratulate the winners, but above all, we thank all the players who have bought new balls with the Tour logo for this year´s fun competitions, which Queenford Ltd. provided for this year, where the proceeds from the sales of these balls from each tournament will go to little Danielka.  In Stará Boleslav, it was an amazing amount of 6,800 CZK. Thanks to everyone and we are looking forward to seeing you at the next tournament on Saturday 20 May in Terezínská Kotlina. 

Dear ladies and gentleman, Seven Cup Golf Tour supporters,

we are happy to inform you that the tournament calendar for 2023 is now complete. Unfortunately, at the moment we are still adding/ tweaking all the details, in terms of organizational stuff, as well as our website. We are trying to make this sixth year as successful as last year, so please be patient. Write down these important dates into your calendar and believe me that you can look forward to news which will certainly make you happy. We will inform you immediately about further current information. We are looking forward to seeing you at the first tournament in Stará Boleslav!

Tournament calendar 2023

1st tournament – Golf Club Stará Boleslav, 22nd April 2023, 9 holes
2nd tournament – Golf Kotlina Terezín, 20th May 2023, 9 holes
3rd tournament – Golf Club Hodkovičky, 10th June 2023, 9 holes
4th tournament – Golf Resort Bitozeves, 24th June 2023, 9 holes
5th tournament – Golf Park Slapy, 22nd July 2023, 18 holes
6th tournament – Golf Resort Terasy Ústí nad Labem, 27th August 2023, 18 holes
7th tournament – Golf Beřovice 16th September 2023, FINAL TOURNAMENT, 18 holes
LAST HOLE – Grund Resort 22nd-24th September 2023

For Seven Cup Golf Tour
Lubomír Petržela